Hello and a very warm welcome to Radiant Reiki. My name is Jenni and I am a Reiki Master Teacher following the traditional Usui Reiki Method.
I offer Treatments and Reiki influenced and infused Crafts and Gifts, within The Heart of Holistic Health Clinic in Ongar and surrounding Essex areas. You can read more about my Reiki journey which began in 2007, here.
Reiki is a gentle complementary therapy, originating in Japan. It offers relaxation, revitalisation, rebalancing, radiance and so much more. The word 'Reiki' when translated, literally means 'Universal Life Force Energy'. My Reiki journey has inspired deep research into the world of Energy Medicine and I am overjoyed to be combining Reiki Treatments with Bioresonnance Readings and Treatments. You can read more about this amazing technology here.
I am so grateful that your interest and intention has brought you here to my website, and I would be very happy to help with any questions you may have about my Reiki practice. Although each appointment is very individual, you can read more about what to expect from a Reiki Session here or alternatively, do feel free to contact me on 07305 103863 or at radiantreiki@virginmedia.com.

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